Sunday, February 18, 2007

First Day of School

Wednesday 7th February
Joe and Millie were both extremely excited and a little bit nervous about starting school. Joe in particular looked like his stomach was in his shoes as we left him at 8.45am.
However when Louise arrived at 2.45pm to pick them up they both came bounding out of class telling about their day and how many new friends they had made.

Every child has to take a packed lunch to school as Mt Carmel does not have a school kitchen. They don't even have a dining room. At lunch time all the children have to take their lunch and sit under the sail shades or under the verandas of their classrooms. There are water fountains everywhere in the playground and the children take it in turns to play on the adventure playground equipment. Joe spends most lunchtimes playing touch rugby, although even he says sometimes it's too hot to play and so they just roll down the hill or sit in the shade chatting.

By Friday Joe was in the cricket team and Millie had been invited to a friend's house to play. AS expected the children settled into school and all its routines very easily.

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