Thursday, March 29, 2007

The Kite Festival

Children's Day in Auckland

Someone had decided that since there is Mother's Day and Father's Day there should also be a Children's Day and today was that day. (Just listen to those people saying "Everyday is a Children's Day!")

There were countless activities going on around Auckland to celebrate but we chose to go up to Bastion Point, the hill above Mission Bay in search of the Kite Festival.

No surprises if I say that the weather was unpredictable. A constant threat of a shower but sunshine in between. It didn't stop us spending a great morning up on the hill looking at the big kites and flying the two very modest kites that we bought there.
Joe saw it as a competition to see how high he could get his kite-shaped kite and Millie just liked the idea of flying a pink jellyfish kite in the sky.

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