Monday, May 7, 2007

Tick Follows Tock

Maunday Thursday and we have visitors again. Sharon, Mike Frankie & Sonny decided that they would arrive a day early to stay with us. The last holiday park they had planned to stay at turned out to be a little bit of a dump. So Sharon rang late Thursday afternoon to ask if they could come a day early. Needless to say we had left the housework to the last minute but we managed to rush home, do a bit of frantic cleaning, tidying and food shopping we were then able to open the doors to Meadowbank Backpackers Hostel with confidence.

The weather was considerably better than it had been when they arrived - bright sunshine rather than heavy rain - and we decided that on Good Friday we would away to Piha beach to take advantage of the late summer sun, picnic and surfing. (Over here Easter is seen as the official end to the summer, so any sunny days after that are seen as a bonus!)

The day at Piha was very successful. We had a picnic on the beach with sandwiches containing the obligatory sprinkling of black volcanic sand. The children had a great time building sand boats and sand castles, sand surfing, pretending to be pirates, paddling and for Joe & Millie some surfing too. Jes and Mike were not to be outdone by the children and after some posturing, borrowed the children's boogie boards and spent the next hour trying to catch the perfect wave! Highly entertaining for all the spectators. The men definitely need to work on their technique.
Sonny didn't really enjoy himself as much as the rest but then it transpired that he was a very poorly bunny and had to seek hospital treatment over the whole of the Easter weekend, so much so that flights to HK had to be delayed until he was well enough to travel! Fortunately he did get better in time for them to fly to HK on Easter Monday evening.

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